Jim Jim Falls 4x4 unsealed road and track in Kakadu National Park
from Darwin
About Jim Jim Falls in Kakadu National Park Australia
Jim Falls in Kakadu National Park Australia - When your in Kakadu
National Park Australia please help protect our flora and fauna.
Protect Your Reserve
All native plants and animals in the Reserve are protected.
Guns and traps are prohibited.
Areas of this Reserve do not allow pets, however exercise areas
are set aside for dogs and horses.
Signs throughout the Reserve explain these conditions.
Please observe these regulations.
Take care with fire - light fires only in the fire places provided.
Please dispose of litter properly.
Vehicles must remain on formed roads - off road is only by foot.
Safety Note: Saltwater (estuarine) crocodiles occur in billabongs
and at the sea; for your safety do not enter the water.
Parks & Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory
Head Office - Goyder Centre 25 Chung Wah Tce Palmerston, NT 0830
PO Box 496 Palmerston NT 0831
Ph: +61 (0) 8 8999 5511
Information courtesy of http://www.tourismnt.com.au/